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Rotwood: Early Access Overview and Future Plans

Introduction to Rotwood

Rotwood is a dynamic adventure game where players strive to become stronger and conquer seemingly insurmountable challenges. With its diverse combat mechanics, players can embark on solo journeys or team up with friends to face the threats lurking within the Rotwood.

Early Access Objectives

Klei Entertainment, known for titles like Don't Starve Together and Oxygen Not Included, utilizes Early Access to engage with players and refine their games based on feedback. Rotwood's Early Access phase aims to foster community involvement and evolve the game over time.

Early Access Duration

The Early Access phase is projected to last one to two years, extending into 2025. During this period, Klei plans to expand Rotwood with additional content, including more bosses, weapons, armor, biomes, and customization options.

Full Release Enhancements

The full version of Rotwood will introduce a host of new features, such as additional bosses, weapons, armor, biomes, and customization options. Mod support and language options will also be included for a richer gaming experience.

Current Early Access Features

As of now, Rotwood offers four biomes with unique boss encounters and four major weapon classes with distinct fighting styles. The game provides deep and rewarding combat mechanics, offering approximately 10 to 25 hours of gameplay.

Price Changes and Community Interaction

Rotwood's price will gradually increase during Early Access and upon its official launch, reflecting the game's growing content. Klei values player feedback and actively seeks input to shape Rotwood's development in alignment with community expectations.

Rotwood offers an exciting adventure where players must confront the corruption of the Rotwood and emerge victorious.

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