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Fruit Basket is a fun family game where players call out names of fruits, switch chairs, and try not to be the last one left. This game is simple enough for young kids and entertaining for older kids and adults, making it perfect for big groups.

What it is

Fruit Basket is a simple and enjoyable game designed for large groups, ideally with at least 8 players. It is easy enough for young children to play but also entertaining for older kids and adults.

Best for: A big group of at least 8 players.

What you need: Enough chairs for all your players (minus one) and an open room big enough to hold all the chairs in a circle.

How to Play

  1. Assign Fruits:

    • Assign each player a fruit. For young players or smaller groups, you might want to assign the fruits yourself (e.g., strawberry, orange, apple).
    • For larger groups of older players, let everyone choose their own fruit. It's fine if multiple people choose the same fruit.
  2. Set Up:

    • Arrange all the chairs in a big circle.
    • Have everyone sit in a chair, leaving one player standing in the middle. This player is "It."
  3. Start the Game:

    • The player who is "It" calls out the name of a fruit (e.g., "strawberries!").
    • All players assigned to that fruit must jump up and find a new seat.
    • The player who is "It" also tries to sit in one of the open seats.
    • The player left without a seat becomes the new "It" and calls out the next fruit.
  4. Calling Multiple Fruits:

    • If some players are the only ones assigned to their fruit, the player who is "It" can call out multiple fruits (e.g., "kumquat and apple!").
    • This ensures no player feels left out and increases the excitement of the game.
  5. Special Calls:

    • The player in the middle can call out categories like "Any fruit that is red," "Fruits with pits," or "Berries" to mix things up.
    • At any time, the player can also call out "Fruit basket!" which prompts all players to get up and find a new chair, leading to a chaotic and fun scramble.
  6. Rules and Variations:

    • Players getting up from a chair must find a new one at least two seats away to encourage movement.
    • If certain fruits are being forgotten, remind players of all assigned fruits.
    • Variations include a get-to-know-you version using traits instead of fruits or a similar game called castles and beavers, which is typically played outside.

Enjoy the lively and engaging experience of Fruit Basket, where quick thinking and agility are key to not being left without a seat!

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