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FoodGuessr - Play New game daily! Random. from previous games.

About FoodGuessr

FoodGuessr is an addictive and delightful game that tests your knowledge of world cuisine while tantalizing your taste buds. Inspired by the popular geographical guessing game, FoodGuessr challenges players to identify dishes from around the globe based solely on images. It's a culinary journey that will have you craving everything from spicy street food to elegant desserts.


Players are presented with a series of mouthwatering food images, ranging from street snacks to gourmet delights. The challenge? To correctly guess the origin of each dish from a list of multiple-choice options. With each correct answer, players earn points and unlock new levels, featuring even more delectable dishes from diverse culinary traditions.

How to Play FoodGuessr

  • Study Food Cultures: Familiarize yourself with the cuisines of different regions and countries. Learn about signature dishes, popular ingredients, and cooking techniques. Understanding the unique characteristics of each cuisine will help you make more accurate guesses.
  • Pay Attention To Details: Take a close look at the images presented in the game. Pay attention to ingredients, presentation styles, and any distinctive features that might hint at the dish's origin. Sometimes, subtle clues can make all the difference.
  • Use Process Of Elimination: If you're unsure about a particular dish, use the process of elimination to narrow down your options. Consider which countries are known for similar dishes or share similar culinary traditions. This can help you make educated guesses even when you're not entirely certain.
  • Trust Your Instincts: Sometimes, your gut feeling can be surprisingly accurate. If you have a strong intuition about a certain dish, go with it. Trusting your instincts can lead to unexpected victories.

With its intuitive gameplay, stunning visuals, and tantalizing array of dishes, FoodGuessr is a must-play for food lovers everywhere. Whether you're craving sushi from Japan, pasta from Italy, or BBQ from the American South, FoodGuessr will satisfy your hunger for both food and fun. So grab your fork (or chopsticks) and get ready to embark on a delicious journey around the world!

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