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Evolution: How to Play

In the realm of Evolution by Keiwan, players delve into the fascinating world of creation and adaptation. Using joints, bones, and muscles, they sculpt creatures bound only by the limits of their imagination. The amalgamation of a neural network and a genetic algorithm grants these creatures the ability to "learn" and enhance their skills autonomously.

Tasks abound, ranging from the simple to the complex: running, jumping, climbing, and even flying. The challenge? Crafting the ultimate creature proficient in all tasks. But remember, this isn't a conventional game; there are no predefined objectives. Even achieving 100% fitness yields no tangible rewards beyond the exhilaration and delight of witnessing evolution in action.

Evolution: Future

Looking ahead, the horizon of Evolution appears boundless. As technology advances, so too will the capabilities of this simulator. The prospect of creating ever more complex creatures, each finely tuned to conquer its environment, excites both developers and players alike.

Yet, amidst the anticipation, a caveat arises. The demanding nature of this simulation renders it unsuitable for outdated or underpowered devices. Its CPU-intensive operations necessitate a robust platform for optimal performance. Those undeterred by these technical prerequisites are in for a riveting journey through the annals of evolutionary biology.

In conclusion, Evolution stands as a testament to the power of emergent systems. Through the fusion of natural selection, genetic algorithms, and neural networks, it offers a captivating window into the mechanisms of evolution. For enthusiasts of science and simulation alike, it beckons as a playground of endless possibilities.

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